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Sunday, September 09, 2007

no longer

i pushed the lock and the star key and laid my phone on the desk. "if only it was that easy to lock one's heart," i jokingly told myself. it's been one heck of an emotional ride for me these past few weeks, and as with everything, it has come to a point where i couldn't take it anymore.

i will no longer put up with you leading me on.
i will no longer be the first one to always call.

i will no longer text good mornings and die all day waiting for an answer
...or sigh at night when my good nights are not returned.
i will no longer ask how you are doing

...or wonder whether you've eaten or not

i will no longer expect you to text

... and when you do, i will take it as it is,
... after all, when you ask, where to buy dvds,
... it's not a secret code for i miss you, it's as platonic as it is!
i will no longer miss you from this moment on
... and if i ever do, i'll just work some more
i will no longer build dreams of you becoming a part of my life
...i'll stomp down whatever flame you've rekindled in my soul.

you see, i don't want to be the one fishing all the time, because i'm a good catch too. and for now, i've decided that without you, i'll get by just fine.


Drake said...

Time to heal and gather up what most people loosely call pride, but for the ones hurt, it's actually called self-respect. Hope you're doing well Tokikot. God bless you!

rookie said...

getting there, thanks drake.

Anonymous said...